Revitalise Your Career with a Community Service Diploma – A Guide

The Diploma in Community Service, known by the code CHC52015, is a vocational on-demand educational qualification with three separate study streams: Social housing, case management and forensic and statutory child, youth, and family welfare. There are many opportunities once you complete the diploma and get your certificate from a renowned institute. Here are three rewarding career options you could most realistically consider after your graduation in this study stream. Community Services Case Manager If you are looking for a career as a community service case manager, the Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) is a perfect option for you. In this career role, you would have to see to that the marginalised and vulnerable individuals have optimum access to medical services, counselling, alcohol and narcotics support and other equally crucial community services. The career roles include: Domestic Violence Case Worker — In this job role, you have to co-ordinate supporting ...